Humans versus Robots
Here comes Virginia Maria
"Ginni" Rometty, IBM’ CEO with her
once more 23-reshape IBM beyond its
products! And also with mass-attractive
partnerships such as with Apple and
Twitter, to exploit
new mobile technologies,
and serving cloud computing and cyber
security by making use, beyond
what real people
are capable of, of artificial
intelligence (AI). This is pretending those
hypes will become the new solution for
global h-living space in
which IBM is still part of
the problem of OPTION I! Such should
be IBM’s new pioneering frontier
"cognitive computing”.
It is
supposed to help for example the
X-substantial potential of doctors make diagnosis,
lawyers conduct legal discovery – of
loopholes? – journalists, conduct
investigation – on big data the NSA way?
The new age of IBM machines will go
beyond the traditional way for
plan A; counting things in
ways by which IBM
made to the top of OPTION I now engulfed
in clouds. Therefore IBM's new
plan B are new robot like
machines which will
able to learn
from the so far operational plan A as
is IBM already supposed
to do cooperatively under Rometty’s
serving-prophetic leadership.
The aim is and may-be for the last
time, man are leading the way,
towards IBM's planned
super robot computer, called "Watson machine".
You guess, OPTION II is to be
from failing
people to
flawless machines and robots as
foreseen in all its pre and con, by the
father of
science fiction,
Isaac Asimov culmination in
Giskard, the robot who programmed
into himself plan B after his
man made plan A based on the
3 Laws of Robotics failed when
humanity become self destructive
on Earth stuck with its
OPTION I plan A,
inhibited to learn beyond it.
And with that self-made plan B
Giskard made to
L1-love humanity based on
plan A up to
exchange of project-oriented competence,
critical people's
mind's so they could prevent
OPTION I minded
people lacking
from destroying
humanity. Thus
Giskard is portrayed a 23-man-made,
with better access to some
real human being
as the genuine Holy spirit through
conscience based
leading people by
a genuine plan A for desirable future has been a
human catastrophe under OPTION I in
humanity's past, IBM is now
supposed to
fix human failure with machines
which are
supposedly unbiased – unlike
Putin’s &
execution of
OPTION I laws getting closer to
what in fiction made
Giskard deal with the ultimate
necessity to come up ultimate plan B
beyond his OPTION I making, a mere
substance less fiction! But
for YOU and ME,
before Putin & Co. fuck it up any
the ultimate
challenge to fulfill what we are here
for in synergy with L1-L2-L3
free from OPTION I's pulling!
the meantime
IBM's with its chairwoman since 2012, Rometty has already initiated
conversations between herself and IBM’s
some 480’000 employees in its mandatory
"Think Academy",
not to be mixed with
Academy4 Think-Systems. The aim is to
persuade her staff to
reinvent themselves beyond
focusing on their traditional products
and services. Similarly most
people have
to reinvent themselves beyond their
traditional national values, according to
big global business, to become
better followers
of the machine speeded up
Zeitgeist –
where they not stubborn like the Swiss
people who want to be their own
sovereign and
people like me, who claim their OPTION
II working for
LifeFulfilling Platforms
instead with their
Murad Ahmed, founder of Deep Mind,
now Google owned, is a bit more specific
about the kind of AI he and Google
envisage. Personally he want to
fulfill his
potential in becoming the father of AI
that is supposed to enhance our minds
towards solving the most pressing
problems as humanity's most
powerful creation yet. Admitting
there might be
unique things about humans, he
thinks there isn't anything
non-computable in the brain. But he
rises the question like Asimov, how to
prevent artificially intelligent
beings to simply do away with people
as outdated and faulty gadgets and
rather guide and assist us than being
misused for mass manipulation and making
However, the
science community is still
say by a person who
thinks he is "Joscha"
having studied philosophy and computer
science talking about
how to build a mind with
wishful thinking
and obviously no clue
who he really is,
but can make people think they hear
about the leading edge of AI.
what are the role models for
AI, specifically for IBM's plan B
reframing under OPTION I? Is it the last famous
Karl Barth who reframed
theology, after its terrible failure in
the terrible age of ideologies of the
20th century, and similarly and
Martin Heidegger who tried it
with philosophy? Is it
Eric Fromm
who similarly
reframed psychology, or Rometty’s predecessor
Samuel Palmisano who reframed IBM from a
hardware to a
software producer,
Isaac Asimov as mentioned above? All of
them just renewed
sophisticated methods, spin and
technology as
old vine in new skin. So will IBM’s new
shift from people- to robotware,
leaving people in
the dust of their threatened
COMFORT behind, under OPTION I for
which robots are now becoming fitter
than real human beings who
are still
born with their innate OPTION II? Such
an attitudinal change can only result in
an artificial enhanced OPTION I beyond
the still prevailing
added value based
OPTION I, which is still
maintained by spin
doctors. Will the latter be replaced
by NSA type of artificial big data analysis
with a final global
formal closure of
OPTION I? And that could then no longer
be reframed by humans anymore, even at
the abyss, when the resulting, closed
thinking-catastrophes would be ever wider
and faster globally
self-destructive! Will IBM have to learn
the lesson they could have from doing
business with the Nazis have to
learn the global hard,
Giskard way?
Putin’s role
that of the bad cop speeding up the
good cop's capitalist's process in this
direction allowing legitimizing a deeper range of
cyber psycho-politics with the need for
more cyber wars aiming at every
OPTION II source such as potentially
YOU? Just as the former communist
psychological warfare weakened the
intellectuals, so does it
together the US-spin on the other side of the coin!
Thus Putin
continues the former Soviet's role to
weaken people’s minds
for the then
"Evil Impire" to
win the outcome of history, now
enough to accept
the New World
Disorder to be driven by IBM,
Google, Facebook & Co., lacking any
effective OPTION II.
Or is there a chance that one of their
CEO's considers his OPTION II after
the obvious disaster Putin is
tinkering with, under the spell if his 8
"dark evil inner voices", his
secret service trained OPTION I
non-essential, OPTION I bound states of
being? Let it be know, they are modeled
ready to understand.
The remaining
question is, who will get it first, some
some politician like Putin or Blocher,
or YOU?