[Being Transcends]
[Art - Philosophy - Real Life]
[Art - Philosophy - Real Life]
[Real Life]
[Philosophical Post-Normality]
[Plan A]
[Plan B]

Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS© -

 Transcending Philosophy
...It is Time for OPTION II !!!

Born in 1944, I got a "Doctor of Philosophy"  in 1973 for modeling a shock tube,
 in which re-entry conditions could be simulated. And that at that time
without knowing what philosophy is or is supposed to be;
so pretentious is philosophy still to ride on the success of real science!
Similarly Martin Luther received a Doctor of Theology before he saw a Bible!

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3.1/§1) Beyond Heidegger's Being-in-the-World

by Dr. Peter Meier actually 9Pp with the ignition sequence 1Cd-3D>6/B5 and referring to the philosophers with theirs, based on their biographies,
Prof. Graham Harman
  actually 3Oe:  1Em-2D>6/§3
Prof. Markus Gabriel    actually 9Cm: 1Cm-3D>2/H3
Martin Heidegger
        actually 8Ke:  2Cm-0P>6/L3

The aim it to reframe "What Heidegger Means by Being-in-the-World" by Roy Hornsby, which in fact is about philosophy at its wit's end with  a mere grasp of pseudo-being. The required conceptual frame cannot be F2-dealt with in  philosophical language, but must allow a life-practical operational approach to the actual being of real humans and their systems towards LifeFulfilling Platforms!

In short it is time to overcome the inferiority of philosophy's Be-established wordy boundary conditions in §1-expressing the >6 very best, human being!



My main interest is not just to raise the issue of being in the world as Martin Heidegger factually did in1962. I am here to make sense not just of what philosophy considers the capacity to make sense of things, but by modeling the personally relevant, innate relationship truths of the being of real human beings and their organized systems and cultures. Additionally I do not just wish to rekindle the notion of "being" as forgotten by the Ancient Greeks! Although what I introduce may seem difficult to understand, this issue is now of critical importance to humanity surviving this century. The prevailing knowledge work mislead by philosophy is actually at its wits' end with its so far cultivated OPTION I think-systems! OPTION II based on the being of real humans needs to become operationally available for at least a critical number of genuinely authentic people in ways relevant to their personal lifefulfillment. And that requires becoming life practical beyond Heidegger's specific type of human being, referred to by him as 'Dasein', which literally just means 'Being-there' (Solomon 1972). By using the expression 'Dasein', Heidegger called attention to the claim that his kind of philosophical object of a "human being" cannot be accounted for, which is typically just true under philosophy's OPTION I, except as being and existing in the middle of a world amongst other things (Warnock 1970), and that Dasein is 'to be there', and then, that 'there' is in the world, as if we are all of the world categorized by philosophy excluding OPTION II!

In this content-free generalization, to be human is to be fixed, embedded and immersed in the physical, literal, tangible day to day world (Steiner 1978). Since that leads nowhere desirable, the purpose of this paper is to transcend Heidegger's 'Being-in-the-world' to make it personally relevant for life- through task-fulfillment in, and beyond OPTION I. Actually what I propose here has already been realized beyond the point where it can just be honestly rejected. And by the way, any philosophically minded person who does reject OPTION II and what it really entails, is simply too complacent to face the issue of personally relevant existence in its required depths sufficient for being FIT421, 4 this decisive 21st century. Such people even reject the last hype in philosophy, speculative realism, with speculative nihilism thus being part of philosophy's self-destructiveness.

My approach here with my X=9Pp being fulfilling the F9-human function of p-preparing P-processes allowing to understand the basics of real human being reflects my (1,3) think-system that substantiates serving#1 life- through task-fulfillment#3 with a C-creative d-design modeling being in personally relevant ways#3. And that beyond the context of the 12 possible ideologies to be outlined with my worked out innate D-definition power. I deserve to be taken serious to the degree I qualify for my D in view of what is innately >6 very good in terms of B5-life. And what else can that be than the impact of human beings fulfilling their personal lives in relevant ways to their X.

On the other hand, Prof. Graham Harman insists on his concept of object-oriented ontology. The larger grouping of philosophers standing behind Speculative Realism, include Graham Harman, Iain Hamilton Grant, Quentin Meillassoux and Ray Brassier. Personally speaking Harman's philosophy is congruent with his personal (1,2) ideology of serving#1 with object-orientation, and despite denying any X-substance, he talks it to being also relevant to master#2 one's inner life. The term "object-oriented ontology" (OOO), is in fact a non-qualified category error. It was officially coined by Graham Harman's D-definition power as a philosophy professor, to become the OOOO-movement's founder, based on his 1999 doctoral dissertation "Tool-Being: Elements in a Theory of Objects." It suggests being of service#1 in the futile endeavor to Em-master the E-evolution based on just that of philosophy with its hypes shaping history by expressing its trends. Since then, a number of theorists working in a variety of disciplines have adapted Harman's ideas, including philosophy professor Levi Bryant, literature and ecology scholar Timothy Morton, video game designer Ian Bogost, and medievalists Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Eileen Joy. And that is supposed to be so >6 very good under OPTION I, that Harman got his university professorship with personally-neutral#2 D-definition power - until the next hype...

This pre-trans- traping metaphysical movement, in fact, is, as we shall see, a cargo cult science, it rejects the privileging of human existence over the existence of nonhuman objects based on category errors. It is often viewed as a subset of speculative realism, a contemporary school of thought that criticizes the post-Kantian reduction of philosophical enquiry to a correlation between thought and being, such that the reality of anything outside of this correlation is unknowable thus throwing out the baby with the bathwater to get attention.

Contrary to the zeitgeist flow#0>#2>#1>#0..., Harman's object-oriented#2>#1 ontology predates the so-called speculative#0 realism. It makes distinct claims about the nature and equality of object relations to which not all speculative realists agree. So in reframing Heidegger's publicized#2 C-creative onset to m-master his "objective" "being" so it can be dealt with under OPTION I, I have to cut through what Heidegger, with his  virtual#0 P-position power about this topic, and what Prof. Harman has set in psycho-political motion of diminishing the meaning of real human being to the level of objects. In Heidegger's time that led to sympathy with Adolf Hitler's (2,1) ideology, then in tune with the zeitgeist, the philosophers pseudo-substance! And now in our time it makes neuroscience challenging traditional philosophy as the basis and lead science for dealing with what humans are supposed to be in a position to know - to leave OPTION I unchallenged...

In this evil spirit[1] Martin Luther, according to his theology professor, did not need to have seen a bible to get his theological doctorate - obviously this nonsense did not prevent Luther from challenging the Vatican's dogmas - quite the opposite. Thus philosophy when in fact it means evil  according to the "black artist" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe evokes what is good - for OPTION I. It is time to overcome this kind of truly black art before the point of NO return from what it evokes in weak spirits such as in the past it has done in Karl Marx, Alois Schickelgruber & Co...

Levi Bryant, Nick Srnicek und Graham Harman admit: "In the face of the ecological crisis, the forward march of neuroscience, the increasingly splintered interpretations of basic physics, and the ongoing breach of
the divide between human and machine, there is a growing sense that previous philosophies are incapable of confronting these events
"... but philosophers united in denying any actuality they cannot criticize to their own impotence, still turn a blind eye to what I outline here...

Therefore Prof. Markus Gabriel to actually be on a position to perform with his X=9Cm, F9-basics of Cm-multiplying C-communication in philosophy, he declared himself and everybody else a bundle of illusions. However, his, like everybody else's "bundle", has an ignition sequence based on his X-being whether he denies it or not; he switches his bundle on with1Cm: 3D>2/H3, in his words, serving#1 his socially other-determined duty in C-creatively m-mastering the game with pluralism in realism with his personally relevant#3 D-definition power. He qualifies himself with what he calls "philosophical terrorism" against what he considers >2 bad, naturalism, to create platforms for better ideas to deal with H3-reality as his fulfillment - for which a "bundle" is a pretty inadequate description, but seemingly necessary to not being considered "poisonous" among his circle of philosophers, with his terrorism already at their outskirts where pre-trans- traping mobbing sets in. And so his does not care to become immortal in such circles to rather go on living in his flat...


[1] Ontological, merely object oriented considerations without metaphysical actuality aiming at speculative realism evoked with the principle of radical contingency is of evil spirit in the sense that it denigrates lifefulfilling qualities with category errors, non-sequiturs and denotational fetishism and recoding once existentially useful words! That is confusing life fulfillment, say with "apple" as something that makes you godlike when you eat it. On the other hand ideologies are making mentally murdering God as the Creator of it all politically correct, in the sense of Nietzsche and those who implemented it like Karl Marx, Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin, Josef Wissarionowitsch Stalin, Alois Schickelgruber alias Adolf Hitler, Mao and the Kim, 9/11 and other mafia and bankster as "masters of the universe#1", clans & Co. With them the zeitgeist evolution evokes thinking-catastrophes with illogical terrorism towards the know human catastrophes; the proper word for all of thie OPTION I outcome which stems from philosophy claiming authority how hypes effect people, is "evilness" to be overcome with OPTION II!

