3.7/B3) The
Anti-Being Dogma of Philosophy
B3-path is paved by types of 'categorical'
Beings belonging to entities whose kind
of Being is not Dasein such as
for the Nazis, the Jews. Heidegger
continued that, on the other hand,
Being-in is an existential state of
Dasein's Being and it cannot be thought
of in terms of the Being-present-at-hand
of a corporeal Thing 'in' an entity
which is present at hand. Heidegger went
on to say, " 'Being-in' is thus the
formal existential expression for the
Being of Dasein, which has its
e.g. under OPTION I as its in fact
mass-attractive state." That is a
sneaky way to
encapsulate being under the rat-race for
mass-attractivity, required to be
successful in the world, that core of
social Darwinian evolution as promoted
by philosophy at the leading edge of the
zeitgeist where the
privileges are
distributed in
mutual admiration
societies on top of hierarchies.
According to Steiner (1978), "Heidegger
is saying that the notion of
identity and
that of world are
completely wedded. To be at all is to be
worldly – even if, not just according to
the Bible, we are in,
with our potential
for personally relevant life- through
task-fulfillment not of this
world of the evil
0-0 temple
(meeting places with mental and formal
idolatry stemming from usurped
definition power such as that of the
Vatican) =>
2-2 palaces (top of hierarchies
of position power such as those from
emperors) =>
1-1 sheople
(slaves - workers - invisible hand of
the market - concentration camps where
you are supposed to let all hopes for a
superior, caring order go)
shamelessly obscure this
existential purpose which above all
philosophy is serving from its ivory
towers in public as "science",
show in what degenerate moral state western society
has been mislead to! In the Antiquities
there was was at least a "temple for the
unknown God" to which
Paul referred to and philosophy
basically as the
non-existence in the emptiness of which
they thrive. And that was
revealed in its evil nature in South
America, where people were forced to
become Christians with the sword and
most of them killed afterwards anyway -
such as under ISIS rule at gun point
today for Islam. In this now
globally synchronized OPTION I world the everyday has become the
enveloping wholeness
of being as
infotainment, spear headed by
philosophy united in this evil cause
even if otherwise diverging into the
cancerous media. It is the
convening of 'Dasein' and the 'world'
which gives definition to both.
The denotational solidness of these terms is
thinly by the English word 'facticity'
(Steiner 1978). Heidegger wrote; "Dasein's
facticity is such that its
Being-in-the-world has always dispersed
[zerstreut] or even split itself up into
definite ways of Being-in, e.g.
divided under the
0-0 temple
framed 2-2-palaces
people are fragmented to objects that
can be rule - and in this way
specifically in his
anti-Semite diary, way Heidegger
sympathized with the Nazis. The
multiplicity of philosophies is indicated by
the following of Heidegger's examples of
the denotational terrorism of philosophy
reducing everything to having to do
with something, producing something,
attending to something and looking after
it, making use of something, giving
something up and letting it go,
undertaking, accomplishing, evincing,
interrogating, considering, discussing,
determining…. And to embellish its evil
reductionism, Heidegger claims the all these kind
ways of
Being-in have
concern ('Bersorgen') as
their kind of Being." In
short, sheep-people should
be concerned with everything
about all the collective of the others,
but not about who they were created to
be by the Creator whose role philosophy
paves the path to be usurped. Most empires were in fact built upon
divide and rule the monstrous
wasting of countless
human being's