Taking Charge of YOUR Mental
Operating System...
APPLIED on Facebook:
OPTION I, mass-attractivity,
being the measure of all things, is a compulsive disorder people need to free
themselves from;
1) by fulfilling their lives as their innate OPTION II with a corresponding
(challenges 1.1-4 in the questionnaire). But mistakenly most people
identify with the noise in their heads, as if it were their thoughts, instead of
2) as real human beings, growing an ATTITUDE to life (2.1-3), with which YOU too
3) FULFILL your life (3.1a,b), even in view of the adverse zeitgeist
In essence, you are something much more substantial than the prevailing
knowledge work with its religious and cultural ideologies allow you to be, and
thus each and every one of us has an innate OPTION II which requires being
by yourself and others and vice versa. Normally most people under OPTION I just
make opinions about STATEMENTS, and as “others” react with their counter
opinions about the former. Thereby they hardly make use of the limited and
limiting comprehension possibilities available in everyday language to get clear
about the PURPOSE they are prepared to pursue with INTEGRITY with
a desirably lifefulfilling way.
By simply defaulting to habits,
we do not solve problems, but instead waste our time superficially, creating
even more problems! On the other hand, with courageous honesty answering the
following 8 basic questions posed by life in the form you were coming
from, in one way or another, you can work out your CONSTITUTION to
get fit beyond
Then you can afford an ATTITUDE which helps you to drill deeper, beyond
defaulting to OPTION I,
getting your OPTION II act together in FULFILLING your life.
Instead of keeping
the OPTION I rat race
going with suicide and the murder first
of OPTION II, falling for its 8 dark inner evil voices (%6, %1, +2, %5, *3, ?0,
- outlined in your questionnaire), in the "* ego head,
in your
+ heart
as a
politicizing - idealist with victim power"
social Darwinism,
YOU too CAN,
through your own experience,
go to the bottom of your
with its 15 inner states to
develop your
conscience about your OPTION II and how to fulfill your X in your life