... but so far,
OPTION II is still
seen as a stumbling block under
OPTION I; people, who have been
conditioned by it,
flip out when they see references to
(such as 4Oe, 9Pp below ) they cannot
grasp or manipulate
yet. Then they find themselves in an ox skin (Korean
Fable); in the
half filled glass with
wishful in-formations,
instead of getting
the pearls in the glass half full,
which are here understood as relationship truths,
will eventually allow them to fill the glass -
fulfill their life (as it happens in
5-year cycles),
as the sufficient precondition for
fulfilling relationships. Some might find it easier to first
improve the relationship with others they care for, and later with
themselves. And some of the latter will end up understanding
themselves better, and that is what this approach outlined under
this site (navigation below) is about.
Please take what
triggers in insight in you, (here as information >
interesting >
activity >
experience >
failure >
appropriateness >
opportunity; if taken, followed
up by the challenges to be faced in maintaining synergy).
Where in this menu you see a useful hint for you, take it. Leave
useless reactions to forms of expressions
you seems to be unable to follow where they point to, thus cannot understand yet, (usually because
you still want power there). Instead
add what comes from your own substance with your
Then the glass seemingly half empty will get full as you
proceed - there is no free lunch - also not
from us, you need to eat and digest it yourself and face the
- Melissa Sterling,
Calgary, Canada and - Dr. Peter Meier, 9Pp, Zürich Switzerland
based on their
relationship, beginning 2012
Mannheim where we p-perceive each other's impact in at an
international conference realizing how the M-maximal perspective
was pre-trans- traped for hidden agendas. And 2016 we experienced the appropriate think-system for
mutual lifefulfillment. Here we promote giving you access to
the key
to your desirable
relationship, in the face of the -OPTION I adverseZG-zeitgeist
with its
agenda, hidden from most people with
thinking catastrophes, which lead to the
known human catastrophes we can no longer afford! Instead
we are committed to fulfilling our relationships in overcoming
OPTION I to prevent the
otherwise ultimate human catastrophes before the point of NO return, with timely exchange
of project-oriented competence - just as couples have children so their
own live can go on...
In fact there is a key besides us
two and the ZG,
based on a fourth agent involved in
fulfilling relationships - the Creator's
H2-superior order of lifefulfillment and HIS active interest a-manifest
in our conscience. On the other hand
our culture has largely lost the
key to lifefulfillment in the dark of
history, in shifting its reference towards the ZG's
limelight. So there is hope you can still recover
the key to fulfilling relationships from where
it has always been in terms of relationship
truths - truth in the sense of what
leads to lifefulfillment, not just in the outer world, to mass-attractivity,
applause, click rates and substance less peer reviews as the
seemingly exclusive
So for the search for the key to be sufficiently successful it has to be
carried out as a conscious inside job and requires an
appropriate §1-way of expressing
the findings in §2-purposefully
desirable relationships leading towards synergy.
That is what this introduction is all about so you can get access to what
has already been made available, just as
physics is available for engineers on a content-free level.
Context of the Zeitgeist:"Do not take life
too seriously, you will never get out alive - no sensible person ever
works for a purpose, get paid for mass-attractive play…" this kind of
spin conditions
people's minds to shy
away from OPTION II as the Dark Ages
shied away from any map that did not show a flat earth - in fear of getting lost outside its
MATRIX. Actually the
ZG-spirit of the time/zeitgeist claims the
monopoly for
I-concepts thus
overwriting people's§3-integrity with its
Bm-multiplied B-boundary
conditions in terms of %1-political
correctness - cemented in the books of
the scribes...
Find some
pictures on Facebook of how we experienced the best in our
environment during the time we worked out this site with no reference to
ZG, while doing our inside job
based on the relevant OPTION II concepts. Since ZG
puts down my §3/c-profiling, Melissa
did it for us and since her
are put down by the ZG,
I revealed those that best model the 4th agent in
relationships mentioned above to overcome the
adverse ZG. This complementing each other, we could
work together with synergy
- as outlined on the
following sites (in the navigation at the bottom). In short,
we debased the ZG with our
OPTION II to become
free fromit's self-destructive dynamics
in order to be
free to fulfill OPTION II it as the
miller's daughter did in "Rumpelstilzchen";
but this here is not a fairy tale!
all ages there have been 13-PeopleProphets
trying to teach
to take
their life seriously beyond
death. But have you
ever heard of synergy
between prophets? Hardly, without a
common sustainable, H2-superior
order such as
the laws of nature,
her those of
personally-relevant lifefulfillment,
each of them
his own struggle with the
opposed by it, alone. And many
so-called prophets became false
sucked in by the "arty farty world" of
art#0 as the forerunner of the
ZG.11-PeopleWorkerslet them be, and shared
some of the little of what they can afford to offer for some
often just spin.
As soon as that shows in their service,
their 12-PeopleMaster/
managers, reset their mind in fear of losing control over their serfs.
When things get out of hand, the 10-People Priest/spin
doctorsorganize the mobbing of those seen
as stirring, under OPTION
I, the "intellectual
untouchables", the genuine
That is so because those
priests thrive on
and are afraid of no longer being“in” and losing their
influence based on fame.
The evil ZG-spirit
stems from the upper intellectual hierarchy of the palace
(government intellectuals roles23-21-22-20)
and the temple
(religion philosophy, media, apps, internet services with its 03-01-02-00)
which collapsed on Nov. 24.2016 to their ZG-spin, such as on Facebook
where all opinions are equal but some more equal - so I began this site
8 month afterwards when Melissa came to see me in Zürich to cope
with the now prevailing "spiritual interregnum"
with the dangerous
decaying of orientation and meaning of live
towards its view as a chemical-physical process
(according to Engineer Lino Guzzella, president of the leading science institute
in Switzerland, the ETH) to be otherwise replaced by
virtual reality of the global MATRIX,
eventually robots until annihilation of all life
on earth....
In reaction, 11-PeopleWorkers try to emancipate
from what is personally-relevant#3
focusing on
"relationship truths" of reward and punishment such as merely breathing, remaining unfulfilled persons. To
rule them thus
divided from their X-essence,
must learn the personally-neutral#2 ways
of the so-called humanities. For
priests#0 to top the latter, they must learn the
virtual arts and various
theology, psychology#0,
psychiatry and the use of drugs,
philosophies of convincing and
impressing with the appearance of
forms and rituals. Then they can
lead the in-formation of those beneath
them in the OPTION I MATRIX and
encapsulate them all. This is now perfected in the use of computer operating
systems. So Facebook Apple, Microsoft, Google & Co. are now at the
leading edge of the modern mind-temples.
This ZG et-up of overwriting the
mental operating systems of real human beings
by framing
people's relationships has been historically, is and will always be,
permanently self-destructive with all that entails in sacrificing
lifefulfillment. This effortless, irresponsible,
%1-politically correct approach of
relying on the others and their mainstream,
and then having it %5-manipulated to
%6-project the next trend
before anything is fulfilled in the previous mainstream , by what is
and market economy,
has no desirable future!
And in
addition, your feedback as reader, based on what
YOU need to understand for your
relationships, and their EXISTENTIAL LOVE CODES, is welcome - it allows me
and Melissa to p-perceive what we
still miss in
fulfilling our
justified claim for a M-maximal perspective for a desirable
future for the
benefit of everyone's OPTION II
in their relationships. When Diane has reviewed it and it will be made
known, link with any breakthrough, this will evoke some
"devil's advocates"
for us to face the basic challengesrelationships with synergy
cannot avoid. We shall take it as a challenge to further
qualify and maintain our OPTION II relationship and its impact
for your benefit. All
this will be revealed to you in due time to the degree you participate
with good OPTION I will in your self-determined way of understanding.
This site and all the following ones are inspired
by the self-experienced personally relevant
relationship truths; they are useful
to learning, growing and
teaching, as well as to
rectify what has been
distorted by the zeitgeist towards doing justice to the
created superior order of nature
and personally relevant life. And
that beyond all the fake news of the
personally-neutral humanities and
the 'anything-goes' art and it
spinning intellect based on
nihilistic philosophy. Using
parameterization, what we reveal here provides the basis for
LifeFulfilling Platforms! And that
hopefully with at least the required critical
number of still real human beings, in the dwindling
time left for a turnaround. In fact the
OPTION I has ended its allowed rest-life on Nov. 24. 2016
leaving the world now in confusion and fear, lacking
any desirable orientation, and meaning; a
increasingly dangerous place; without
with no future...
It's all about
relationship truths,
relating to self,
one's body,
personal and
relationships, rather than just
and in-formation
about content-free
personally-neutral matters...