
[Missing Science#3]
[Proper Science]
[It is time]

Drill deeper:

[Human Functions]


Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS© -

 Science and Social+Individual Growth
...when it is not based on ideologies but on
relationship truth beyond human manipulation...

Born in 1944, a few years after World War II I experienced human manipulation as
deeply disturbing and was looking for a desirable alternative ever since...

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4) Nothing is more Practical than a Good Theory

When science#0, #2 above all, with esoteric quick sand cargo cult (formally correct mental idolatry and self-fulfilling prophecy) philosophy, realize they are not trustworthy anymore, they use rhetorically nicely disguised, pretentious category errors. And to bluff their way to the top of the zeitgeist, they use among others, science#1 pop-vocabulary as added value to suppress any upcoming OPTION II conscience#3, or they simply recode past ideologies. And to please, they promise taking any hard work out of the picture as technology does pretending the are its foundation. But technology in fact works only after hard work of scientists and engineers, for cargo cult minded users seemingly like a perpetual mobile and they call that expectation "The Secret", in fact the one by which its promoters suck your money.

And all of those substance less tricks ruin trust, which politicians like Mikhail Gorbatchev and Helmut Kohl managed to restore to allow a peaceful opening of the Berlin Wall. And this catalyst, trust among each other is now missing on all levels and thus politics resorts to weapons again, forgetting the value of peace.


And here applies what Gorbatchev said to Honegger in the former East German Communist Republic, still behind the wall: "Who comes too late, will be punished by life!" Though peace belongs to every human being, it is necessary that we fulfill the necessary tasks to keep it together. And that only works out in personally lifefulfilling ways. But that requires a sufficient number of human beings following their conscience, OPTION II, rather than the trend under OPTION I! In short only if people can employ their OPTION II beyond idealizations and the kind of pseudo-peace of so-called peace movements can their be peace as a result of and towards life- through task-fulfillment.

This personal appeal for redesigning our think-systems is about science#3; you should not judge it from what needs to overcome, the triumphirate of those organized under OPTION#2, science#0 communicatively seducing science#2, commanding science#1, controlling  science#0... #2>#1#0 point of view, ending in a vicious circle.

- In science#1 good theories require all compassing reference to how data were collected and where from, and how already proven laws and procedures were applied to get predictable results based on understanding the relevant superior order of physical nature.

- In science#2 reference are often just given to opinions mass-attractive t the time, that boost importance and authority of those who can project them with successful spin and rhetoric. Too often references are just fragmenting the flow of papers so that non-sequiturs can be covered up behind such fig leafs over hidden agendas, In short, it is about the psycho-political secret, the "holy grail", of how to compete best. Therefore say intellectuals, spin doctors and politicians, following the role models of philosophy, just share misleading references and not their secrets stemming from their 8 "dark inner evil voices", the non-essential states of being. Rather than references,

- science#0 uses copyright up to printing money and to protect the hidden agendas of art. However, if you use

- science#3 to convey an insight and your personal experience with it, it is not helpful to dilute it with undue references to reduce it to an opinion rather than integrating it into understanding and fulfilling your challenge in an operational way.

Here is an example for which you do not need any other reference than that you own inner experience of you own life and that of those people you are close enough to sufficiently understand them. To revive such experience in yourself and with people of good will, your need to overcome the three taboos as introduced by philo-/psycho-politics, the personal story telling inhibition (the story of returning Dschihadists are getting more attention than those from real people about relationship truths - there are experts about the former, except me, hardly any about the latter), employing metaphors to highlight relationship truth beyond philosophical objects and topics, and the so-called ego-taboo

The innate inner life challenges people in 5-year cycles through §1-L3 always in the 5 yearly phases of:

1) at first overwhelming experiences, just like what a child in its first year gets about older people §1-expressing themselves until

2) in the 2nd year one needs to §2-purposely play with one's experienced possibilities with trials to learn from errors until

3) in the 3rd year it is time to get clarity in terms of one's §3-integrity by understanding what one really wants with the actual quality, e.g. in year 3 a child uses the learnt language to get clear about the possibilities with claiming the §1-right for self-expression, that allows

4) in the 4th year, to make use of the freedom gained by clarity about what is desirably §0-sustainable and what not. The

5) in the 5th, health challenges people for the transition from partial freedom to opening up for the next 5-year cycle with its more encompassing new challenge. To get there, your B1-belief is tested as the first inner relationship towards a B2-breakthrough to your next level of life- through task fulfillment.

Imaging people just paying attention to this personally relevant, basic fact of inner fulfilling human life rather than running after the science#2 hypes of the rat race through all ages. This is not implying that from year 1-20 you have just access to §1-3 working out §0 fully. To the degree you have not been corrupted by OPTION I, you have access to all your 16 inner resources, just as Mikhail Gorbatchev L3-reframed the "Evil Empire" in his H3-cycle from 1986-91 based on getting H3-realistic about the doom future for the Soviet Union which made him come up with Perestroika and Glasnost to reframe it before the point of NO return from either a collapse or resorting to World War III in business as usual under OPTION I. Mikhail employed his OPTION II, Larissa, his wife remained stuck under her OPTION I expectations of more of a return on investment as First Lady and did not survive that way…

From this experiential point of view, understanding should not be seen as limited by the principle of radical contingency and it is not evolutionary! Furthermore it is driven by one's OPTION II to develop conscience about the timely inner challenge accordingly, and the necessity to stay beyond OPTION I in order to not getting sucked in its self-destructiveness.

Now imaging, briefly outlined, that in each of the ethically coherent 16 "disc of the mental spine" of §1-L3, people have, depending of their X-oegp, some of the 9 to be outlined basic functions F1-9 to be fulfilled in the corresponding 16 social impact dimensions. And that with qualifying in an X-coherent way with the corresponding tasks by fulfilling them in view of what is one of among the 6 levels of 1=very bad, 2=bad, 3=unsatisfactory, 4=satisfactory, 5=good, and 6=very good in terms lifefulfillment. To get all that transferred, the OPTION II autism cultivated under OPTION I needs to be addressed and overcome. Actually, with OPTION II's 16 "white" §1-L2, and OPTION I's 8 black "black" life-piano keys ?0-ZG, your individually - in terms of your inner resource specific - mental spine corresponds to the physical spine through which the brain is wired to the body functions in a general way. This analogy also, beyond mental clarity about one's 16 steps to lifefulfillment, allows, in personally relevant ways, more efficient medical diagnoses and therapy, as successfully tested in a mother-child clinic in Germany under the supervision of medical doctors.


