2) Arguments about
the Evidence Base I
In "Reproducibility, Correctness, and Buildability:
the 3 Principles for Ethical Public Dissemination of Computer Science and Engineering Research" presented at the
Ethics in Science, Technology and Engineering, 2014 IEEE International Symposium Kristin Yvonne Rozier, Intelligent Systems Division NASA Ames Research Center and Eric W. D. Rozier pointed out, that recently, many prominent researchers have expressed concerns about
shortfalls in the current methods and standards for public dissemination of science. Cited there, in Communications of the ACM, Vardi expressed concern that "our system has compromised one of the
corner stones of scientific publication – peer review" [1] and Crowcroft, Keshav, and McKeown pointed out
flaws in the current review process that have led to the
decline in the quality of academic
papers [2]. Birman and Schneider called for "an informed debate and a community response" lest our behavior "stunt the impact of our work and retard evolution of the scientific enterprise" [3]. Vitek and Kalibera summed up the problem [4] just in systems research. The point is, such shortfalls even mainly in the
usage of the hard sciences, let alone in the so-called opinion, myth and hype based
humanities#2, leave those responsible at large still
ignorant of their terrible shortcomings.
All of that can only be resolved with the science#3 to be introduced here. Especially in
science#2 authors are made to just prove that their work is novel or interesting for their peers, rather than making them prove that their findings are
relevant for the common good, let alone
true for real people.
The bloody history of
misleading paradigms, up to the one recently exposed by
Allan Greenspan, who at the very least conceded his error in regulating the world into the financial crisis of 2008, speaks for itself! Simply aiming to mitigate these problems under OPTION I by providing a roadmap to more easily evaluate essential elements of different types of research,
and simply provide a common language for
a more appealing evaluation by recoding
the real problem, might seem politically
necessary to keep people
together, but it certainly cannot be sufficient for the simple reason of
M=manipulation know-how
orientation considered
These days, too many papers do not even adhere to the three principles
(reproducibility, correctness,
buildability) let alone be relevant
for real human systems. In all three so far organized faculties of science,
the social
rat race
for wanting to be the leading science is
part of the hidden agenda for paper dissemination;
getting attention in the information
flood! This is typical under OPTION I which reflects the
dominant science#2
dynamic to get
%-acceptance. In fact organized science cannot even resolve that problem among themselves, let alone that of how to
become mentally FIT421 (4 this decisive
and stressful 21st century) before
the point of no return. Especially
science#2 is exhausting itself in
hypes, nitpicking or
outrighteously rejecting each other
say when it is about ecology, or the
health hazard of smoking - even
to lobby with spin. And so there is little use for their arguments to build upon
where it extends the now
technologically enhanced#1
information flood beyond
The mainstream is
then simply forming the
zeitgeist with its known unfulfilling, self-destructive inner dynamic
with decreasing life-times of the
hypes encapsulated
by the media#0
to promote hidden
lacking O=inner
trans-orientation leaves real people
in their remaining M=pre-trap manipulative
earning a living detached and meaningless,
stressful as part of the problem, in the evolving
International Disorder. This inadequate state of the scientific underpinning
by the "humanities" should be as alarming as the resulting
thinking catastrophes, since they evoke
human catastrophes!
So the first problem to be resolved with science#3 is that of how to get the
necessary attention for it beyond the hope for
a return on investment under OPTION I!
- Science#1
Fiction#0 author Isaac Asimov gave up
on this challenge by leaving the solution to a robot
named Giscard, that evolved himself
in his innate §1-3 of the laws of robotics to
include §0, which allowed it to keep humanity out of
further mischief after it had destroyed planet Earth. This
"self-improvement" when his old §1-3 self became inadequate almost blew Giscard the robot's s positronic brain
as what so far happened to robot at
their wits end with §1-3. By employing
the non-sequitur of the principle
of radical contingency, Asimov, faced
with most humans still impotent to learn from even their own history,
chickened out to deliver a bestseller
- The Swiss bestseller#2 author#0
Friedrich Dürrenmatt in his play,
"The Physicists", had to resort to hiding in madness, and ultimately to murder, to prevent
the ultimate misuse of their newly discovered science#1,
in business as usually by politics#2 similarly capitulated
in view of addressing the challenge of
The philosopher Karl Popper and the Physics
Prof. Richard Feynman have so far been the
outstanding critics about the state of organized science – which nevertheless at Feynman's time allowed the
Challenger Disaster in 1986 where managers put aside over 200 medium and some 170 graver faults as
acceptable flight risks. Feynman has analyzed that thinking-catastrophe but nevertheless the spin
has made meanwhile that human catastrophe an accident! The grave faults, included that one that led to the carrier rocket of the Space Shuttle exploding with 7 astronauts.
- Thus science#2 overrules engineers with their science#1
again and again, and even more so personally relevant warnings, just like on the
Titanic 1912!
In fact in
"The Open Society and its Enemy" Popper
has identified philosophy as the enemy without being explicit what open means, and which can only reasonably mean,
open to the personally relevant life- through task-fulfillment!
Not just during the
Middle Ages, there have so far
been all kinds of crazy ideas around
such as dogmatically claiming the material world#1
to be a "flat earth society".
And such
spin intimidates ordinary people's life
confined to world#2 in their world#0 of thinking
beneath their common sense. To not end in those
three worlds of OPTION I's human catastrophes, we really ought to look into theories that don't work, and science that isn't science:
In the South Seas is a
cargo cult was formed by people. During the war they saw airplanes with lots of good materials, and they want the same thing to happen now, obsessed with
technologically#1 enhanced world#1. And
so they have arranged to
make things look like runways, putting fires along the sides of the runways, making a wooden hut for a man to sit in, with two wooden pieces on his head
like headphones and bars of bamboo sticking out like antennas, and then waited for the airplanes to land,
like the Jews when they danced around the
Golden Calf in the vain hope to get free from God' Laws.
This is
idolizing the
principle of radical contingency
like the
evolution myths of pseudo-science
still evoked today when to lazy to
Creation as it is and impacts on our
lives, greedy to be a trend
speaker instead! In worldly#2 terms those natives are doing everything right in the way they
perceived the forms of the US army
in which they saw gods...
The cargo
cult forms#0 were perfectly looking right
to them. But as such, they did not work, like idols who cannot overrule
the Creator by
recode him as a God, then
among others. Feynman came up with calling these kinds of approaches
cargo cult science, because they follow all the apparent precepts and forms of scientific investigation, but
they're missing what keeps the form do the job,
in a design in which
the laws of nature
result in a functional machine.
In summary, to design and duplicate what works, requires all of the
understanding - to
which only real human people are able, and information to help others to
not just judge the value of your contribution, but to
understand its intentions and reasons.
Conscious people learn from life and experience that
relationship truths will come out to
prevail. Only then other experimenters
can repeat your experiment and find out whether you were
right or wrong. Nature's phenomena will agree or they'll disagree with your
theory#1. The impact of your
art#0 will trigger the intended reaction or not
in your target
group, and implementing the
conclusion as your social theories#2
will get more or less support. And, although
when you are after gaining some
temporary fame and excitement by tricks,
spin and bluff, you will not gain a
good reputation as a scientist if you haven't tried to be very careful
in view of the four science faculties#1-2-0,
and that requires there excludes
And it's this type of
integrity, this kind of care of not to fool yourself,
which is missing to a large extent in much of the research
communities, in their teaching of and conditioning
students with cargo cult science
above all in the humanities and
economics! A bottom line difficulty is of course, the fact that the
three faculties of science#0-2-1 under OPTION I
are reducing real human beings
to subjects und rather than
understand the former,
to condition them
to fit the prevailing
ideology. And all that
is shamelessly
performed by
the leading
performers up to politics, with the impotence of so far organized science to
take timely responsibility for their thinking catastrophes;
too bad, we nee another war to release
the non-understood social unrest such as
in the great depression of 1929!
It was caused by the thinking
catastrophe of the leading economists
and those pulling the strings to make
Hitler come to power...
People have experienced enough
should have learned enough from human catastrophes about how to handle some of the
ways we fool ourselves. But the long
bloody history of not learning and
unlearning how to not fool ourselves, letting go
scientific integrity and conscience for
short-term illusions,
I, disproves such wishful expectations
to appease people with, and
In addition it is sad to see that science#3 has hardly been specifically included in any educational or training course.
And so the OPTION I "sin" is past on
from generation to generation with the
blessings of the
intellectual, the post-modern priests
and mullahs.
In fact the first ethical requirement is that you must not fool yourself
by defaulting to
OPTION I even if you are the easiest person to fool
and are experiencing the fear to
otherwise get outcast. Peter and Judas
die not pass the test after Jesus was
crucified, but the Vatican rose to its
evil Middle Age power on Peter as its
rock, this is not kidding! Instead you have to
understand cause and action
up to your inner relationship truths
to become FIT421 and then part of the
solution. Do you now
experience Papageno's voice in Mozart's
"Magic Flute" to rather pretend that anything goes for you
without facing the Peter-Judas test? Only if you do not fool yourself
when the cook cries three times, can you refrain from not fooling others. You just have to
become honest in an inner way beyond
fear of the Empire striking back
with its OPTION I conventions and
ideals and
that do everything to inhibit you
giving meaning to your OPTION II. Only
when you also refrain from fooling layman when you're talking as a scientist,
or children as an adult, are you not
part of the problem of passing on OPTION I forms
and rituals from generation to generation, but rather overcome that curse
with your OPTION II
as part of the solution!