
[Being Transcends]
[Art - Philosophy - Real Life]
[Art - Philosophy - Real Life]
[Real Life]
[Philosophical Post-Normality]
[Plan A]
[Plan B]

Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS© -

 At the Abysss a Step further
... Parameterization IS the way out!

How much longer does humanity fall into the wordy traps set up by philosopher?

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3.10/H1) The last Blowing of the Trumpet for the
           Definition Power of Philosophy


Heidegger (1962) H1-hoped that his deliberation on the matter of being would bring about a solid under-standing of Dasein bringing the average everydayness of Being-in-the-world into view as the 6Oe-objective under control.  This mental pornography should bring of love and children? And here he goes on precisely describing that approach, void of any under-standing of his own inner perspective of his 8Ce-being with his parameters below for the

- purpose of dealing with his OPTION
about what is >6 very good in
  view - of
the meaning of his
  potential L3-reframing, in order to be able to
- become socially effective in Ce-establishing Communication, so that
- what is F8-essentially necessary, can be functionally fulfilled in  
- ways by sufficiently 20-
reducing ideo-logical spin to make it
more widely  possible.


That entails that in his working space philosophy, his outer perspective Heidegger should
- have faced the challenge of the OPTION I at his time, in dealing
- with what is >5 good, lifefulfillment, rather than then zeitgeist, by
- ethically tuning into his B1-belief, to be able with his colleagues
- to Cp-prepare Communication in a way to be in a position to fulfill,
- what is F8-necessary to argue in his circles in lifefulfilling ways, to
- 13-be of service#1 for the personally relevant understanding#3 of being

and that among people of good will for OPTION II rather than sacrificing it, as he did, with OPTION I rhetoric to gain some zeitgeist fame - also among the Nazis!

Philosophers, mostly openly like Nietzsche, or subtly disguised like Heidegger, ultimately nihilistic about the innate being of real people, freak away from such challenges as above specifically outlined for Heidegger's 8Ce-being. They refuse it in reference to the philosophical discipline that negates it in its totalitarian fear of OPTION II to be suppressed with the three taboos according to which being has no innate individual right to the point worth 1) telling stories about it, 2) referring to it with metaphors, or 3) claiming something for it, denounced as egoistic. Violating those taboos would open up the philosophical cupboards out of which skeletons might fall out! It would expose the thinking catastrophes of philosophies! And such attempts are considered "poisonous" in those circles, at Heidegger's time, up to ending up in a concentration camp as did happen to the reformed minister Dietrich Bonhoefer.

Nihilism point to what seems to indicate a meaningless context for human lives, cosmologically, contingent, and ontologically and then non-sequiturs about such philosophical categories in a self-fulfilling way that non-existence is more important that existence - a typical philosophical nonsense with terrible consequences if applied by left- and right-wings or other fundamentalist barbarians to human life! This has already become the norm so that when you philosophical deny the meaning of even your own life, you are admired when the rhetoric is mass-attractive. Such is the mother of all lovelessness!

And then philosopher Martha Nussbaum can create a bestseller about "Political Emotion' claiming emotions up to love for politics as if there was love without understanding real human beings! The trick of treating love as a mere emotion, allows to ignore the essence of the to be beloved and his or her relationship truth and to fill that gap with philosophical gibberish instead. That is precisely what the German word "über-zeugen" is about; remove the essence of a person and recode the emptied mind with what you want to convince him or her of, or according to the zeitgeist, simply engender the person in the way which you want. Then you can simply use political emotions as a means to maintain OPTION I political zeitgeist culture to encourage people to feel political emotions! And that in short is advocating a more subtle psycho-politics as established by Beria for Stalin's rule, then in a cruel way for a general culture of equality. Thus the focus is easy rule, with pseudo-religion substitutes enacted with philosophical spin about human sentiments to be developed with narrative art to be run by spin doctors in the service of political, mostly hidden agendas. Thus "human" psychology still prevails over the proper understanding of personally relevant life- through tasks-fulfillment.

Nussbaum sees something wrong in humans in their desire not to human - precisely the wrong lies in defaulting to be philosophical instead of deepening personally relevant understand beyond being a mere product of evolution! Not wanting to be at the mercy of nature, philosophy aims at even controlling God's order of the universe and life with lego-centrism as if it is all a mater of controlling particles and philosophical objectives that are forming all philosophy considers existing. Nussbaum's solution is to evoke the spirits of love to be engendered by a society who has read her bestseller up to patriotism as loving one's country as a narrative - which of course allows philosophical interventions to shape it to the zeitgeist beyond people's heads, seemingly an 0-0 art 0-2 leading to justice in the 2-2 palace. People are then left with their inner "dream speeches", e.g. the eight dark inner evil voices by which they can be divided to be ruled.

Heidegger felt that the all-determining focal point of our Being-in-the-world was going unnoticed because the daily realities of our existence are so trite and numerous but, for Heidegger, 'knowing' was a kind of Being and Dasein only discovers itself when it comprehends reality - as if being is a reality and no substantial actuality with its innate relationship truth! The latter can be identified with the everywhere still missing science#3 to be understood in the framework of the meaning of life and parameterized to understand individual human beings such as I did above indicated for Martin Heidegger with his philosophy corresponding to his 13-20 ideology - on that level, science#1 is in opposition with science#0, and science#3 in opposition with science#2. Heidegger then put his content-free world philosophy#1 on top of his conscience#0, his worldly, wordy humanity#2 on top his personally relevant consideration#3 for his living space; OPTION I an top of his OPTION II reducing it to "in-the world", e.g. his mind and its think- or operating-system under OPTION I a must under the Nazis. Since the Jews have another, more of a 11-13 tradition, they became the ideal scapegoat for the traumatized and philosophically conditioned Alois Schickelgruber - all fruits from applied philosophies of the 19th and 20th century to mentally and emotionally boost nationalism, communism and fascism...


