
[Being Transcends]
[Art - Philosophy - Real Life]
[Art - Philosophy - Real Life]
[Real Life]
[Philosophical Post-Normality]
[Plan A]
[Plan B]

Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS© -

 Philosophical Post-Normality
... The final Hype in the International Disorder ...

Born in 1944, in 1986, I realized that even Switzerland began to fall under
the zeitgeist empire after it withstood the Nazi and the communist regimes,
I exiled myself to Australia to get some distance...

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3.9/B5) The Self-made Self - Fulfilling OPTION I


In real B5-life, not everything is possible for every human being! Therefore people seek ideological satisfaction in the collective up to the "Evil Empire" and the "Third Reich". But every man-made option is limited in one way or another. So Heidegger projected  and 'concern', as a short-cut of 'love' out of which humans can make decision to be more or less correct one in order to move from one condition to another. That is disguising that the traditional OPTION I, psycho-/philosophized-political mass-attractivity as the measure of all things, is really also Heidegger's message. It is just the old vine of philosophy in new skins, the recoded former ones! Having thus undone OPTION II in the zeitgeist's relevant way, in his days run by Hitler, Heidegger just describes it in philosophical terms to engulf it beyond Hitler's failure. But choices are to made further in the world in which humans just coexist surrounded by other humans. After collectives and their nationalistic philosophies failed, even if human beings are not of this world, they had to be just allowed to be philosophically characterized in their no longer to be hidden uniqueness, one from another. To no longer contain their uniqueness in nationalistically crude ideologies, philosophically minded psychology came up with set of possibilities for each individual.

Thus then real life of human beings was recognized by Freud in an individual subconsciousness und by Jung in a subjective fragments of collective archetypes, whereby both entities can still be manipulated, less with the sword, more with the word. Thus people can still be made to be continually oriented towards a potential that can be assigned to them for hidden agendas ranging from the possibilities of the truly innate authentic OPTION II and inauthentic, other-determined OPTION I existence. While insisting on moving forward by still solely embracing the standards, traditional beliefs and prejudices of society, more and more individuals may fail to do so and lose their job, not different from the mass up to becoming the outcast mass. This, Heidegger regarded as living an 'inauthentic' existence (Warnock 1970).

However, Heidegger insisted, that authentic existence can only come into being when individuals arrive at the realization of who they are and grasp the fact that each human being is a distinctive entity within the world, e.g. for Heidegger, lacking any concept of OPTION II, still under OPTION I. But once human beings realize that they have their own destiny to fulfill, then their concern with the world will no longer be the concern to do as the masses do, but can become an 'authentic' concern to fulfill their real potentiality in the world (Warnock 1970). But since philosophy cannot, and philosopher, who do not want to be outcast as "poisonous" from their mental mafia, do not want to cope with that real OPTION II, Heidegger provided another spin. He described the self of everyday Dasein as the 'they-self', which he distinguished from the authentic Self – that is, from the Self which has been taken hold of in its own way [eigens ergriffenen]. Thus Heidegger, conscious of it or not, opened the door to the anything-goes post-normality where everyone can make its self in self-determined ways with seeming authenticity. But then, the they-self, the particular Dasein is dispersed into the 'they', and must first find, or make, or lose itself altogether. And further, if Dasein discovers the world in its own way [eigens] and brings it close enough to disclose it to itself as its own authentic being, then this discovery of the 'world' and this disclosure of Dasein are always accomplished as a clearing-away of concealments and obscurities, as a breaking up of the disguises with which Dasein bars its own way.

With such weird statements, philosophers are chickening out of admitting that they, as all human being need to be understood as an open-ended generative (cradle), rather then denotationally confined (coffin) life fulfillment principles if they no longer want to be part of the problem of cultivating thinking catastrophes ending in now more and more global human catastrophes! To avoid this responsibility after its failure in the past ideological century, philosophy has let go nationalistic ideologies and advices people to have individual ones. This has led to most people's lack of purpose and meaning in today's International Disorder... 

