
[Being Transcends]
[Art - Philosophy - Real Life]
[Art - Philosophy - Real Life]
[Real Life]
[Philosophical Post-Normality]
[Plan A]
[Plan B]

Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS© -

 Philosophy's Spin
... Spinning you in its wordy Definition Power ...

Born in 1944, I soon realized the short-comings of communication limited by
denotational words - it curtails the being who talks...

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3.8/B4) Substituting Life-Fulfillment


Heidegger's B4-truth (1962) comes in the term 'concern' as an ontological term for an existence to select its Being as the possible way of Being-in-the-world. This perfect camouflage of OPTION I fascism is to say that he felt that the Being of Dasein itself was to be revealed as 'care' (Sorge). And with that wordy caring he shrinks it because Being-in-the-world fundamentally, requires philosophical definition, otherwise its Dasein is jeopardized under OPTION I. With this terrible, basic philosophical category error Heidegger non-sequiturs, that its Being concerning the world is fundamentally concern. Then speaking as if his thinking catastrophe can be considered like a law of physics, he claims like the Pope ex cathedra, that concern without being specific about the what about, is the temporal meaning which Being-in-the-world has, meaning has to have, for human beings and that it is the time configuration of human life which is the identical concern which human beings have for the world. If human beings had no concept of time, meaning the philosophically lead zeitgeist, by no means understanding innate causes of their lives, then they would have no reason to be engaged or implicated in the world in this philosophically presumed human way. It is the awareness of the temporality of the zeitgeist which establishes that the relationship that human beings have with the world, as one that is through concern for the thus closed upon itself and thereby self-destructive world (Warnock 1970). Realize the intention: You should be concerned with the world, and to do so effectively you need to pretend and perform in mass-attractive ways - with and under your OPTION I ignoring any of your OPTION II as subjective, non-existing even, to be sublimated by an anything-else-goes philosophy - in short, man-made life consuming hell!

In this spirit Pharisees needed a practical solution for the challenge of Jesus Christ's impact oh their temple cult and found his pre-trans- traping crucifixion appropriate to save their temple (just another miserable 40 years) in a way the palace (Pilate) could wash its hand in innocence. Similarly in today's world, managers need a practical solution to the challenge of ecology to save their economy so that politicians who rule in their favor, get re-elected. The solution is crucifying the planet and putting the blame on the scapegoat called "the invisible hand of the market", the global idol around which the media invite us all to dance - until the global warming exceeds 2 degrees...  

