The Pioneer Partner's experience: [Testimonials] [Commitment] [fulfill] [Failure] [appropriate] [Science] [App]

Eventually there will be an App available on mobiles; till then you get the desired EXISTENTIAL LOVE CODEs here

.YOUR Relationships defined for the EL-Code.

Let us specify the basis of your desired relationship - please watch the video to the end, so there are no longer any illusions on your side about what a lifefulfilling relationship requires and what is misleading. The latter only leads to disappointments, tears, wounds and horrendous costs. Don't leave anything out or casually avoid something/

Please be aware how you react to what Melissa conveys about success. Watch where you are tempted and where you shrink back, where you mix up corner stones with the challenge of stumbling blocks. In short, there is no love without understanding, following it up with qualification of your power applied and being ready to cope when the empire of the others strikes back, rather than collapse like Romeo+ Juliet, dissolving your self like a sugar cube in the water of the zeitgeist or just floating with its hot air of its odd hypes...

Remember, so much did they "love" the Titanic, that they gave her the unconditional freedom to run into an iceberg in the illusion of, blindfolded by the spin, she was unsinkable, unwilling to qualify to power applied referring to physics...

YOU as Partner 1:

 surname family name:

* born:  *

Your E-Mail:

* desire language (English/German) *
your Partner 2:   surname family name: * born:  *  

Please tell me what is relevant to understanding the Relationship of Partner 1 + Partner 2:


your input is handled confidentially; you may use an alias name for Partner 2

 * all fields require a sufficient answer 

Your contribution in          * EURO (minimal 95 EU - compare that to the price of misunderstandings...) to
either   PayPal preferably (on another site -
then come back here to Submit), or alternatively to my
            Bank at Postfinance 4808 Zofingen (Switzerland) to Dr. Peter Meier, Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich,
paid via *                     BIC/SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX 91-360479-2, IBAN CH8309000000913604792

As soon as you get notice of your payment you get the ordered ESSENTIAL LOVE-CODE as well as the one with me, and yours with the zeitgeist, for which politicians and marketing manager would pay big money! That is what you need to implement the ordered ELC with my support in your desired relationship.

You may ask relevant questions, via Email or Skype (ahaaps) sharing your relationship experience with their challenges and need for maintenance for you to make full use of the ELC in your desired relationshsip.





Dr. Peter Meier
Founder of
Applied Personal Science APS© Privacy Policy Terms

Phone: +41 44/432 89 59, Skype: ahaaps
Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich (Switzerland)

It's all about personally-relevant relationship truths, relating to self, one's body, infra-structure, personal and cultural relationships, rather than just hypes and in-formation about content-free or personally-neutral  matters...