
[8 Questions]

Drill deeper:

[Missing Science#3]
[Proper Science]
[It is time]


           Plan A
    Plan B
*IBM's Plan C 

Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS© -

 Introducing YOU to Your OPTION II
Most Organizations merely based in Mass-Attractivity
have no desirable Future with this OPTION I !

Born in 1944, I have been testing out consciously what can preserve
HEALTH - WEALTH towards LifeFulfillment since 1979, when warranty still applied
for me for health and a job to earn money in this OPTION I world...

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I propose the everywhere missing Applied Personal Science#3, relevant to you too and for which you have experienced enough to wanting to understand and apply it! The so far publically organized science under OPTION I, consists of the 3 faculties of

1) the art of expression#0 with forms and events where anything goes; it aims at disseminating impressions beginning with picture, language, symbols and rituals. It is easily reproducible with today's technology. Its evidence base is aesthetics. Sooner or later its arbitrariness asks for

2) the basically wordy and thereby personally-neutral humanities#2, with their doubtful %-majority based political correctness, where in doubt, is embroidered with spin#0. Mass-attractivity, such as in politics, is its soft evidence base; not as claimed, based on real facts and evidence, it rather referred to its myths, paradigms, ideologies and mere opinions, supposedly free. That has frustrated mindful people of all ages and made them look for an applicable power beyond the merely organized prejudices under OPTION I.

3) the content and context-free number-based, hard science of nature#1 results in buildable technology. Isaac Newton has founded it successfully after Galileo Galilee was shut up by the Pope. It is evidence based and that requires honesty in order to achieve sustainability in designs#0 congruent to the best understanding of the laws of nature put together for a desirable purpose, such as a reliable plane. In order to get the resources to build such designs#0, some degree of political correctness#2 has to be worked out with those concerned...

In fact, this triumvirate has shaped our world so far as being ruled by %-manipulated and efficiently projected mass-attractivity to form the now globally synchronized zeitgeist. Despite all the psycho-politics and terrible coercions employed, this OPTION I is permanently self-destructive in its cycle of accumulation – crisis – innovation used to maintain this OPTION I at all costs as the measure of all man-made things. The social Darwinian competitive rat race is in terms of opinions, artfully#0 enhanced with spin, streamlined in politics towards a general human#2 consensus to speeding up and empowering the implementations of such too often substance less but decisions#2 declared as legitimate, with technology#1. The fact is, OPTION I thus divides people to rule them in its service, and this entails enhance thinking catastrophes, that evoke human catastrophes. This process of always in the end having to sacrifice in terrible, increasingly subtle ways, the lifefulfillment of real people, inherently required in the established science#0-2-1 which exclude science#3 as "subjective" and thus, beneath their scribes, has become more and more part of the now global problems threatening survival on Earth.

In short, so far organized science cannot deal with its own misuse caused by its underlying and ruling measure stick and its fragmentation. Since in themselves, its three faculties deal exclusively in anything goes#0 forms and events, streamlined in personally-neutral ways#2 towards a global impact#1, it cannot do justice to the innately personally-relevant need for life- through task-fulfillment#3. In fact this prime human need and capacity is increasingly jeopardized in more and more areas of people's lives up to less and less real freedom#0, applied human rights# in favor of tools and gadgets#1 being misused. Then hidden agendas take over organized science, since in itself it cannot cope with its misuse lacking not only the appropriate concepts, but also the will of its misguided users, whose minds are still conditioned by OPTION I.

And so we urgently need the 4th, the so far missing science#3; it cannot evolve from under any interdisciplinary mix of the triumvirate under OPTION I putting the commonly#2, convincing#0 "good" rules#2 enforced#1 as its basis for dissemination. But the missing science#3 manifests itself in people's outcry, first to the heavens, in regard to the inadequacy of OPTION I. But this is suppressed by the method known as 'management by champignons'; whoever puts his OPTION II up under an OPTION I scenario is pre-trans- traped!

Thus it is time to shed light on the matter, based on the OPTION II of the personally relevant open-ended generative principles of life-fulfillment. In medicine there is an increasing realization that it is insufficient to base research simply on the human 'norm', excluding children and people of old age, pregnant women and the fetus. In fact DNA-based individual medicine has begun to produce better results. Philosophy and psychology however, with its 'scribes' of OPTION I, still thrive on the memory of their ancient founders and defend their privileges and usurped claim to be the basis of science, and via theology, even of ruling people's relationship to God, up to claiming his deputyship on Earth...

In conclusion science#3 must have the quality of an applied personal science. Its evidence base must be that which conceptually enlightens the personally relevant life-path of people of good will for the truth that leads to their innate lifefulfillment. This has been achieved by assuming that each human being IS a personal, open-ended, generative principle, (oegp) of life-fulfillment. Specifically this requirement has been fulfilled with 1728 oegp, such, that one of them does justice to any real human being. Each evolves from such a X-ground state in further 15 essential states and 8 non-essential ones. The former model OPTION II, the latter people's non-essential attempts under OPTION I in life-practical ways to provide guidance and a basis for desirable decision making with OPTION II leading beyond OPTION I before the latter's point of no return.


