
which can become yours for the 6 point checklist of Your Lifefulfillment

[UP] [Missing Science#3] [Evidence] [Proper Science] [Growth] [It is time] [MyPlatform]
Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS©
Editor: Melissa Sterling (optimizing) und Diane Meier (caring for you)

The basic law of the universe is, simplified, the law of attraction. In short, you are drawn to what you inner substance or vibration, wants to create as the reality that supports and challenges you to fulfill your life with who you innately are.

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The better you understand the laws of nature, the more are you in a position to create the desired technology. Life, which is individual, also works within a created, personally relevant order for it to allow its fulfillment.

 So you are invited to consider the usually displaced, innate relationship truth of real people and their human systems, above all yours. Then you can share your innate purpose and understand that of people close to you.



Are you ready? Lets get started to cover more than the hunger for dignity and welfare: Please completed the registration and feedback form provided here, with you best email address - all field require a relevant entry for SUBMIT. You will receive your Interface to the onset of drilling deeper into your OPTION II to build Your Platform for your desirable life-long growth process.

Your Name:



How did you come to this page - by your Coach?

It is through reality that people can share a common experience to understand each other's OPTION II. OPTION I focuses on the sameness towards streamlining people towards the zeitgeist. OPTION II promotes and supports each others essence towards Lifefulfilling Platforms. Innately we are not the same; we are here to fulfill a specific task in personally relevant, lifefulfilling ways. In its end, OPTION I is  self-destructive as is the zeitgeist which keeps rising out of its ashes like “Phoenix” until the substance of the lives concerned is gone.

How do you see your life ?



Your Platform introduce here allows you to

1) Discern your OPTIONs: You will learn to understand the everyone can get access to the answers for every question or challenge they have in pursuit of their life fulfillment. Even if those answers appear to be obscured by the OPTION I world, seemingly concealed by its taboos and people's fears, and then overwritten by quick fix recipes, thus buried and hidden inside yourself, you can get answers in time. Experience shows that the temptation to default to OPTION I in both life and relationships is due to the many unresolved struggles, the lack of trust and understanding the OPTION II way of life in view of the seemingly missing tools and concepts to realize who you truly are.

What do you need to do, being with others, to be worth of yourself ?



2) Assess your OPTION II in any situation: Applied Personal Science APS© is at a stage to provide the sufficient relationship truths to be used as orientation and motivation hints. Those relevant to YOU will shed light beyond OPTION I to enhance your clarity (1) to allow you to understand what you and the with it each and every one of us is here for. The challenge is to overcome OPTION I, which otherwise streamlines people towards mass-attractivity as the default measure for all things. APS also provides practical tools to implement lifefulfilling motives beyond the self-destructive OPTION I trap.

What measure stick are you applying when relationships get critical ?



3) Set the exit from OPTION I before the point of NO return: We are all innatly individal beings with corresponding personalities, streams of unique conscious and unconscious experiences, and insights on and about our individual path for which our innate OPTION II in truth points us to our corresponding lifefulfillment. Therefore the typical cookie cutter; one size made to fit to form all human lives, sadly being spread out there, is NOT effective to say the least. So it makes sense to invest in exit strategies based on (1) and (2)

Which exit strategies do you have in place, which are needed ?



4) Trust your innate OPTION II Principle beyond OPTION I Hypes: You will be surprised with what you can come up to be ready for your OPTION II, when it is time…

Where have you prevailed with your OPTION II, where would you like ?



5) Apply the appropriate Exit Strategy: As a Coach, I work with my clients to address, identify and clarify the relationship truths of their life- through task-fulfillment; the WHY of their NOW, so to speak. The WHY typically has never truly been inspected, the current OPTION I tools never questioned, and OPTION II never been introduced. As our coach-client relationship develops, your WHY becomes crystal clear as well as the tools needed to achieve your personally relevant life-fulfillment.

Which exit strategies have you actually applied in lifefulfilling way ?


6) Optimize the above with your OPTION II: There is a concept for your understanding every issue relevant to your lifefulfillment leading to the tool required to handle them. With APS, a processes can be made possible to tune into whichever tools are relevant in your current life phase:

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We can co-partner to the degree you are open for timely exchange of project-oriented competence. This will address deep set issues within you, so that they surface to be dealt with. Together we will create transparency about your specific OPTION II potential and how it can be optimally fulfilled in the prevailing OPTION I world...

Please sum up how you envision getting your MyPlatform:



  to receive a proposal how to proceed together

I hope you have got in touch, that there is an OPTION II 4U2 and that you can acknowledge, that the prevailing OPTION I knowledge work with its even best selling general hypes cannot be good enough 4U. Therefore our target group consists of people who work in OPTION I systems and understand that their necessity, as well as that they cannot be sufficient. Their strength and weakness are their formal recipe like command-control-communicate structure. We overcome their short-comings with appropriate open-ended generative principles aiming to enhance their work-life balance with their innate OPTION II. That is what a good doctor, manager, leader, politician, scientist, partner in a relationship, you with yourself should set an example for life- through task-fulfillment.