
[Missing Science#3]
[Proper Science]
[It is time]

Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS© -

 Introduction to Science#3
Be prepared to be be addressed personally;
weak spirits flip out...

Allow me to tell you relevant stories, use metaphors and state my cause
beyond what
the 3 Taboos of Science allow under OPTION I!


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1) Introduction to the Attitude II

You, and all of us, have been blessed with our personal life, and talents to exercise discernment between OPTION I and II to fulfill what we believe in by a breakthrough on the personally relevant path which in truth points to life- through task-fulfillment with personal integrity:

Many of my students, clients and partners over the years say that creating the life they want, just trying to make the money they want, have the balance they want, create the freedom they want – feels overwhelming and complex. When I ask them what they are doing about it – in essence they always say – "I'm just looking for simple answers – I wish living in this world would be simpler." And I usually say something like: "Let us face it, unfortunately for your attitude, life is not simple. It is meaningfully complex and what's more, you were given it to fulfill, not to recreate it on top of the Creator. Only the latter is complex beyond reason!" And of course they nod their head in acknowledgement and slump into their sadness about business as usual, which we shall see, is the traditional OPTION I in most civilizations since they began. Then I suggest something that's very different, OPTION II:

This is so different to the point, that in fact what most Guru – bestseller, scribes and intellectuals tell, stems from literally fearing OPTION II! Pretending to abhor it will be revealed as their spin and fig leaf to cover their mental impotence and fear. One's innate OPTION II, however is the concept, which sets those who understand and appreciate it on a lifelong course of of not just being more effective and empowered for task-, but for lifefulfillment. And that is not too complex beyond the capacity for understanding with one's OPTION II inner resources! Check out what can be said about it towards changing your world towards, on and for LifeFulfilling Platforms.

And this is not a matter of simply recoding, but of redesigning the prevailing OPTION I think-systems based on the OPTION II of the participants and also reframing our mental operating systems in view of all substantial concerns for lifefulfillment of as many as possible. Those who simply want to build the technology they wish, aim for a perpetual mobile and fail for this is impossible. However, Gurus attract and as we shall see, pre-trans-trap their flock with what is impossible and just desirable or sounds good for humans to get their money thus seemingly being able to create the life they want an appearance which makes them mass-attractive like Dr. Faust, Bhagwan, Alan Greenspan & Co. until their bluff is called. Here is an example where recoding the Creator to "God" - suggesting what is "good" for you too has led humanity to: to make people recode their created identity according to the principle of radical contingency! This is the antidote to Creation based on substance with inner relationship truth just as nature with its laws.

In this OPTION I way people in Strasburg, in one life time, could be recoded to be German-French-German-French with all that entailed, in the end, two world wars. But in fact real people are challenged to reframe their lives 16 times up to 80 years. And that is the truth to be outlined further, based on science#3.


On the other hand, those who care to understand the laws of nature and design technology accordingly have and will really succeed. The same applies towards making desirable usage of art, society and technology in view of the laws of lifefulfillment to be revealed here in their personally relevant nature. The goal of my work is not to change the public conversation around what the real causes of our global problems are - that remains the problem by this explicitly stated OPTION I self-destructive principle, turning real people into beggars begging each other for mass-attractivity! The solution is to reframe the still dangerously predominant, pre-trans- traping OPTION I mental operating systems in a critical number of real people - something like Pentecost of the 21st century, the onset of Christianity which has meanwhile, from conveying the B3-path, that in B4-truth (your challenge from being 30-40 years old) lead to B5-lifefulfillment, to now make use of all OPTION I has made available as

1) Infrastructure#1: Modes of production in agriculture, energy generation, waste management, transportation, water management, building and communication technology, manufacturing goods

2) Social Structures#2: Societal systems of economics, governance, law

3) Ways of artfully pleasing and informing expressions#0, in it self, cargo cult science of pretended superstructures with mnemonic memetics  to shape human values, beliefs, meaning, orienting stories and narratives, worldview, formal identity, pseudo-scientific definition of success...

not to serve them to uphold OPTION I at any price up to sacrificing human lifefulfillment with pre-trans-traps, but to be used in personally-relevant lifefulfilling ways by real human beings with this OPTION II!


