
The Source of all Evil...

is sublimating the understanding of yourself for the OPTION I rat race!

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Under Option_i, only what can be sensed as an object
that can be changed, exists...

You gain a personal understanding of the context
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by studying and working out YOUR Options first

So if you, as a homo sapiens go along with OPTION I,
you do not exist under IT, in terms of that world,
since IT does not exist! And so, with such ideologies,
it does no matter if you waste your life...



The Facts about Option I and its wardens

Evil sets up edifices and bad baskets for bad apples, lacking substance like philosophy, and then proves to its followers that it does not exist! Then everything and everybody attached to it, collapses, people fall back into unfulfilled lives! It's time the UNDERSTAND:



We all know that sociology is necessary to study social systems as structural forces affecting individual's behavior, the topic of psychology. However, letting them exclude Option II, the personal substance of those involved, inevitably results into the kind of monstrosities which  Dr. Philip Zimbardo has research as the "The Lucifer Effect". It explains why formerly "good" people / apple end up as "bad apples" in bad systems / barrels. And clearly, the bottom line of "bad" or evil (knowing better, doing worse) in Dr. Zimbardo's terms, is Option I as used here with its onset of those in power refusing and inhibiting understanding what is lifefulfilling and what is not in their arrogance to instead stand above all laws. Those real evil people consider "laws" as simply a tool to divide others in themselves and from them in order to rule them as their elite: 

After philosophy had installed our kind of wordy OPTION I world, here comes the youngest Prof. of Philosophy, Director of the International Centre for Philosophy in Bonn, Markus Gabriel in 2013, to prove that this kind of philosophical "world" cannot exist! And this is simply because, in such an infantile mindset, there cannot be a point from which to see that world as a wordy object, because it is supposed, as philosophy's claim to be the lead science, to contain it all. And on that shallow basis politicians can think they are justified to pride themselves that despite the fact, that in terms of content, they can usually do very little, but still get a kick to be, say a party leader. They consider the fun they get out of such pseudo-responsibility enough to deserve all the privileges they enjoy at the cost of those who rather work hard when there is a problem, to then suffer the consequences of the philosophically enhanced thinking catastrophes of politics in their way to implement real solutions and get their rightful reward. As an example of a paranoid greenhorn, Markus Gabriel was in fact in 2013 in the life year, where instead of supporting such lucrative responsibilities, he should, as part of Creation, with Option II, get clarity about his B3-path to come up with life-fulfilling R-solutions. Please reproduce and disseminate:

But instead what this mass-attractively smart professor did, was in essence undo Jesus Christ, who lived to proclaim mental health with Option II beyond Option I! The Professor in the final analysis actually made Jesus appear below the level Mohammed declared him to be, a minor prophet in relation to himself as THE prophet! Prof. Gabriel pretended to have proved, within his increasingly pseudo-science, lacking substance, just in order to be "in", in the zeitgeist, that there is no world and therefore no existing philosophy about it worth mentioning. This is a trivial fact based merely on philosophy's own presumptuous claims about itself, in short to shrink all substance into a word! And so, with some evil tricks to impress his audience, although the argumentation is full of category errors and non-sequiturs, infantile Markus Gabriel seemed to have "proved", that, without a world, there is no path possible anyway, e.g. "Jesus" is just a tale invented by outsiders to save people from the world, in which people otherwise get lost in wordy pre-trans-traps; ending in self-made concentration camps and gulags, instead of being limited by barbed wire, reacting to dead words in meaningless jobs by +2 greed and -4 fear. Thus Prof. Gabriel proved, at least to himself, that in the proven non-existing world, Jesus and those who believe in him, never could have had a path. Therefore he could, in this infantile logic, never have had a right to exist with any meaning. Thus Prof. Gabriel has put himself on top of the intellectuals eager to have more convincing "proofs" as a basis for their own illogical non-sequiturs and rhetorical arguments, put forth as factual truth like "proofs". In fact they just flock towards the zeitgeist, eager like Icarus to also get on top. In fact they just reiterate their own state of mind and the tradition about the trend in their profession, that there has never been a Creator because no one is allowed to get in the way of their ambitions to be on top of their mob! And that is what the zeitgeist wants to see them aim for. And IT wants to hear such outrageous philosophical outcries when people sacrifice their soul, the capability to experience their inner being, to appease the zeitgeist, in its order to also gain some fame, yet just to melt and fall as Icarus did on his imagined flight to the sun!

At this point, those who have proudly flocked under OPTION I, imaging themselves against any common sense and conscience, "poor lower mortals", cry for a crumb of hope. Unwilling for example to make any reference to previously revealed content with "it", or to the zeitgeist with "IT", they might misinterpret the latter, politically correct, with "information technology". In this evil state of a just critical mind, e.g. split in politically correct schizophrenia, the above remains unspecific for them, because to other "outsiders", not to mention themselves, the topic seems very hard, whereas this very attitude, is nothing but a fig leaf behind which they hide their arrogant ignorance towards any personal challenge. They want, philosophically "precisely", to know objectively what I am attacking, so they can ride a counter-attack in their self-inflicted impotence to relate to content about relationship-truths in a lifefulfilling way. They make any of it (get what I am referring to - personally challenging content) so huge and in general undefined, to appear anything but what it is meant as, a personal challenge. Detached enough from it, e.g. in sin against, fearfully detaching from it, in this paranoia, they "feel" justified among their mob, to deny any relevance and existence of personal relationship truths. And thereby in another non-sequitur, the one who dares to challenge them simply appears as a messenger of bad news to be removed from existence. In the Gabrielean way of deconstructing the "world", the next step is to execute real human beings such as done by the Pharisees against Jesus, the Nazi against the Jews and so on. To just stir things up without taking any responsibility, those "poor lower mortals" then pull back as long as they have no access to a mob to do the dirty work for them of eliminating the "prophet", such as by half-heartedly admitting: "In general you may be right that we need another language to talk about these things (as if life were just about dealing with objects/things, by subjects, which is what philosophy is all about and its language is appropriate for). And then follows their yes-but manic deconstruction with: "But who, except for a few can invent and then use a non word language?" This is meant to say again and again, that we better have to remain depressive within the bounds of a strictly OPTION I denotational language, limited and limiting, self-destructive, dead, used in evil ways of relating to each other in favor of business as usual until all substance is wasted as in the increasing numbers of failed states - or as the Nazis put it towards the Jews: "Let all hope go!"



What is left then, according to the smart Prof. Gabriel is that we are simply engulfed in the mental MATRIX of the evolution of philosophy, up to the Gabrilean reinvention of Philosophy's Nirvana, to become the mass-attractive focus, after one's mental suicide of getting rid of one's Option_ii, which might more appropriately be called volunteering for hell! In it, people are shoved from pillar to post, to nowhere, into the oven of the depressive OPTION I trend embellished as Nirvana! In the meantime, if in this mono-political madness there is no time at all, people are simply the fuel so "any substance can go as a thing" - to hell, where else to? This philosophy, now at its Gabrielean peak, has reached the point of total incompetence with a total lack of any substance to relate to. According to the Peter-Principle, this approach on top of OPTION I is thus ready to fall like the "fallen angel", and with it, those who condemned themselves under OPTION I.

This kind of unavoidable End of all Pre-Trans-Traps has among others, led to a brain-drain from less pre-trans- trapy cultures, such as until 1989 those behind the Iron Curtin, into the then considered free West. But now, the world is globalized, and Big Brother zeitgeist is following your footprints on the Internet and in its world, as well as the movement of your chipped mobile devices! The aim is to encapsulate you in your meta-data to squeeze real data and attitudes out of all the Terra Bytes substituting you as essentially inexistent, mere fuel for the elite to play with self-appointed "poor lower mortals" via their serves to do the dirty work, e.g. to have fun with some inside jobs like 9/11! So whenever some of those infantile global players have a need to keep you under control, such data can now be made available per mouse click to undermine the B2-state which you have potentially available too, for a personally relevant breakthrough with Option_ii. Of course encryption appears to be the seeming counter measure, the post-normal fig leaf.

Then pre-trans- traped in the MATRIX-I, you are stripped of YOUR Option II, so YOU, born as an X-original, become a %-zeitgeist copy and as such, ITS fuel like everybody "poor lower" flocking as an embellished equal sparks of God on the way home, or Nirvana to end this kind of senseless human suffering.

For some however, those subtle ways do not shut them up and stop them from being a nuisance to the ZG-elite. After all the elite, having taken the pains to teach people their personally-neutral#2, denotational, wordy, language, and the stupefying idioms cultivated by philosophers, they expect a return on investment rather than ungratefulness! Thus in fear of losing control, the last resort against the remaining terrorists as well as against those who stand for Option II, nowadays can be a drone sent to eliminate you via joystick if your corner stones are identified as stumbling blocks for OPTION I. And that is what everybody's XvR corner stones are in fact for OPTION I wardens, when acted out clearly. Also for the elite in publically organized sciences, professors and intellectuals and their followers in politics and management, those stumbling blocks reveal their suppressed Option_ii. So eventually, to maintain OPTION I, humanity needs to be annihilated, and the preparations have begun with overwriting personally conscientious understanding with %-mass manipulation, say about ecology! By throwing out the baby of science with substance, via the bathwater of the OPTION I media, management catastrophes happen increasingly on a global scale, now possible, beyond the point of no return up to the one that can then no longer repeated...

In short, there are no OPTION I recipes for what the self-declared "poor lower mortals" cry for! After being cowardly, and failing to deal with the OPTION I temptation to fall into "yes-but" schizophrenia, in which after a while, they react with paranoia against any personal challenge, until exhausted, and then come up with such depressive, poor, lower self-definitions, or end up as manic self-suicide terrorists such as Prof. Gabriel, rhetorically blowing the "world" into non-existence! The latter is preparing the way, as did some of the 19 century philosophers for some useful idiot like Adolf Hitler to do it the hard way. But after such a blow, there are no more intellectual arguments...

Since under OPTION I, only what can be falsified may exist, under demagogues traumatized by such thinking catastrophes, life is there to be killed at will; under Hitler, Stalin, Mao & Co., their own people in their war or misery evoked, the critics and the Jews in concentration camps or Gulags. Now under casino capitalists there is a more subtle way of eliminating even more people by "man aging" them with complexity towards impotence, which has already turned bankers into bankster, then by stress, mobbing and accidents such as on the Titanic, the Challenger Disaster, in Tschernobyl, by 9/11 type inside jobs, or in Fukushima. Such is the hard way philosophy turns thinking- into human-catastrophe in Machiavellian terms and now more and more countries into failed states. All this is easier, to manage than understanding the above, provided you have learnt to suppress your conscience. It is objective, precise and countable, but in the end nobody can be accountable for it anymore, other than through evil, horrid rhetoric.

Let us face it; there is no collective solution; according to Albert Einstein no solution with the thinking that caused the problem! What remains is to address, understand, overcome and forgive the personal sin of having fallen for OPTION I, an approach hated by philosophers and those dependent and affected by them, consciously or unconsciously... I hope you got a glimpse of the revealed "evilness" under what I call the OPTION I knowledge work and science. You are aware of the necessity of getting clear about it and now hopefully also, that the socio-psycho-logical approach is as under OPTION I, not sufficient. Let it be known, I can model human systems precisely to get desirable results with the so far missing Applied Personal Science#3. I mean entities such as you and I, up to presidents, relationship, teams, and cultural mentalities. Imaging a piano with 8black” (susceptible towards evil behavior) keys  with no substance, and 16 essential, “whiteones with the substance available to the individual’s being. The latter is like an atom with its excited states, the former, more like a conditioned parrot. This is also in analogy with the spine with its 24 discs, yet the “mental spine” needs to be understood as a personally relevant open-ended generative principles rather than a personally-neutral biological design.

I am urgently looking for people like you who have a sense of the fact, that OPTION I science is not sufficient to secure a desirable future for humanity to say the least. I hope we can deepen this issue to open up the missing science for the critical number of people required for a turnaround away from the permanently self-destructive OPTION I – and that, with timely exchange of project-oriented competence…




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