
[Human Functions]


Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS© -

Human Resource Management of the
People's Concepts towards Synergy

Born in 1944, I soon realized the possibility as well as the prevailing lack of
synergy between human beings in. The insight grew that there is a possible, but almost everywhere, dangerously missing science which allows a desirable,
lifefulfilling Human Resource Management!

It took me from 1979-2015 to create it and making if fully operational

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4.2) Human Dignity, the precondition for synergy

The OPTION I world is driven by the 3 basic religious ideo-logies, and the 2 worldly ones, driven by  man-age-ment, and idealistic humanism. It is as such fragmented, and its systemic structure gives rise to all possible, substance less thinking-catastrophes as the mother of the known human catastrophes. And in them more and more people lose all dignity, their being, their living space! And all of this is maintained in the name of man-made psycho politics in the name of gods, convincing beauty, and/or the fatherland, and/or traditional god-pleasing laws, and simply managed for the freedom of anything goes so-called humanism, above all its wardens. This non-cohered, thus non-sustainable, philosophized and theologized brew leads

1) to the 00-temple, 22-palatial, and the 11-workshop institutions, formally in themselves, closed and thereby permanently self-destructive systems, catalyzed and speeded up by growing globalizing technologies by 

2) the evil triangle driven by the 02-post-normality, 21-capitalist management, and the 10-trendspeakers of the zeitgeist evolution provoking a bubble and

3) real, conscious people to stand up before the point of no return from a collapse. They are partially motivated by their conscience, often  framed by traditional religions, trying their best to hold society together with its traditional values. But the prevailing management by champignon, throws this baby out with the bathwater; in the information flood, by stirring up the zeitgeist's deconstructing

4) antidote of 01-social unrest, 12-revolution, 20-suppression - pre-trans- traping people with real solutions aiming at transcending the trap of OPTION I societies (up to Gulangs, KZ, wars, genocide and global environment catastrophes) are for lifefulfillment, more than actual criminals and substance less intellectuals with a mindset of the culture preceding the actual one, e.g. barbarians, nihilistic atheists, fundament-alists, terrorists. Actually thus the OPTION I world shifts it comfort downwards to integrate such pre-barbarians to instrumentalize them against those who challenge the systems wardens to transcend there otherwise collapsing systems, like the temple in Jerusalem, all the past empires, up to the last one, the Evil Empire of the Soviets, and on the wall, the globally sucking financial system. Of course such empires promise naive people in other countries they like to swallow, that they support them in deconstructing of their home country down to the bones to rattle within the empire to the tune of its institution - back to (1) until all substance and at last all hope is gone... were there not new people being born with an inner drive for fulfill their lives until they are outsourced and replaced by robots...


A relevant example is the history of Italian emigration to Switzerland after WW II. On the people side, it allowed them wealth in a less corrupt and thereby wealthier  system than the Italy they left lacking any perspective for  dignity. But there were problems; the Swiss controlled and limited their stay in Switzerland's and its population's interest, at first no family allowed, with the resulting illegality. And this was the breeding ground for Italian intellectual und communist infiltrated trade unions trying to undermine the well organized Italian community with there ideologies. However, the locals prevailed at large and together with the Swiss many constructive projects took and were followed by other countries. But in the meantime those ideologists teamed up with their Swiss counterparts with mere claims of the sort, which in Italy have ruined that country in sheer arrogance of their host country. For them, Switzerland was and is still the problem and they pretend to be the solution with their "autonomous" underground activities. This is of course the role model for Islamists trying the same approach but much more aggressively and not at all in the interest of the 11-working people since it sabotages those who 22-provide jobs. On the other hand, many of the Secondos, the offspring of the first generation Italian migrants,  meanwhile Swiss citizens, are better Swiss than those leftwing and idealistic intellectual Swiss. The former can compare the EU-reality with the Swiss-reality and appreciate and contribute, the latter saw their role model formerly with the Nazis, then with the communists, now in the zeitgeist and/or the EU, or in Putin's spin, in short, with OPTION I with it's evil promise of being able to rise on top of people without substance, to suck people's, for power and fame.

Actually Switzerland has a tradition of negotiation between constructive trade unions and job provide beyond most other countries, explaining its outstanding social and economic success. But this is by for by far not up to what I put forth here, but all the intellectual elite does not improve it, quite the opposite! And in our time, OPTION I ridden Europe tries once more to get rid of the special case Switzerland, supported by Swiss left- and right wing opportunists and traitors. And that is how, in the extreme, Stalin once their idol, had over 20 million people randomly terrorized to death, and the Nazis liquidated among others some 7 million Jews, most of those which at that terrible time lived in Europe, e.g. a genocide. And that problem is now shifted to the Middle East from which the terror comes back to Europe. In 2015 such a Swiss hating rapper made a video clip showing the fake execution of Swiss non-zeitgeist politicians in ISIS style dresses and manners, others ridiculing Jesus Christ's crucifixion and even science and basic human rights, to make Jesus inferior to Mohammed, 03-Islam superior to any other religion claiming world power, the Bible not God's word, but rather the Koran, so there are hints, that actually the Vatican organized it to get rid of East Rome which they achieved as OPTION I master power game players...


On the other hand, the "religion" between X=YOU and YOUR h-living space, just as in case for any-body else, is enabled by challenging and supporting to Cw-work out the communication about what is required for a human being to truly F8-handle what is necessary for his or her life- through task-fulfillment; with his or her own OPTION II's substantial competence even in >1 very bad circum-stances. This entails  a 21 secure h-space encouraging among others, 10-genuine confession of his or her X-actual sins and troubles towards the I-concept of 13-true relief and redemption. Only then can a human being S-relax again to 21-recitfy what the true story is, in order to restore his or her ability for L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence even in >1 very bad circumstances.


Though humans are mortal, biased, and failing; they are potentially capable to recognized their own dignity and that of others beyond race, culturalization, ideologies, and opinions. That is required for allowing each other to fulfill one's being in one's living space and to conceptualize the possible synergy between each other as OPTION II; beyond the culture still prevailing with OPTION I with its thinking-, leading to the known human-catastrophes now threatening Earth... 

8Cw 21.10.13/20 L2>1
OPEN for Authenticity


h=living space
X=lifefulfilling being
plan A=hX requires  DIGNITY
=conceptualization allowing
   plan B in view of others
   with lifefulfilling synergy
Cw=communication to be
       worked out
Pe=process to be established
§1,L1,L2,L3 ethics of
-expressing L1-loving,
L2-competence towards
L3-reframing OPTION I with OPTION II before point of no return

6Pe 23.11.12/21 L1>1

for "producers"
8Pe 13.20.21/11 L3>5

for "dictators"
1Pe 02.01.00/03 §1>1

for "challengers"


With graceful dignity incorruptible, a real human being deserves to be encouraged to work out his or her I-concepts towards SYNERGY with others. Contrary to the above one hX-religion supporting humans to X-evolve out of their h-living space, there are three personally relevant basic XI-"religions" for coming out with ones I-concept of life. But you are not free to chose, the one relevant to you depends on the basic function out of F1-9 you are here to fulfill with your X-being.

Producers F4-managing F6-controll-eable F2-doings need to be allowed to 23-hold on in their h-working space until 11-completion of their X-task-fulfillment by 6Pe-controlling their 12-to be estab-lished, I-revolutionary process, and that in a S-relaxed atmosphere in view of 21-achieving. And that support needs to be provided in a L1-loving way so producer can go on achieving even under >1 very bad circumstances.


Dictators F3-outpute their F8-necessary F5-entriprises to dominate the presence with others. They need a h-space open for 13-promises, at X-ease with 20-reframing culture with their I-concepts allowed to be 21-managed, in a S-relaxed atmosphere supportive for 11-working things out. Ant that must allow for L3-refraing the trend even in view of >1 very bad hindrances.


Challengers with F9-basic claims beyond dictators about the F1-Input and with their F7-influence on producers, presuppose a h-space in which they can artfully make their 02-points with those who rule, so X-it is OK to 01-reframe the workshop as well as I-conceptually, the 00-temple order, so a S-relaxed 03-joy accompanies their §1-genuinly, with OPTION II, expressed challenge to the system even when their are >1 very bad reservations...


