
[Human Functions]


Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS© -

Human Resource Management of the
9 Basis Functions F1-9

Born in 1944, it took my to 1979 to get clear about my function in this life;
imagine getting clear about it from say 1 in school...

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4.4) hX-Dignity > XI-Concepts > XS free for Function

Based on who each of us truly IS, we are all entitled for a dignifying conceptualization of fulfilling our basic life function in a way so it can be understood and appreciated by well-meaning fellow human beings. That entails, that each of us not just claims, but also contributes towards the following 7 Pillars of LifeFulfilling Platforms as a preconditions for sufficient synergy which allows Life- through Task-Fulfillment, OPTION II, beyond the pre-trans- traping of people under OPTION I's mass-attractive zeitgeist trends of otherwise permanent self-destruction...


People who are granted 8Cw-dignity, are at hX-ease. When 681Pe-supported and challenged to lay their XI-concepts on the table, they can work towards mutual synergy. Then then want to work them out their respective function F1-9 in in XS-relaxed way, 385Pv encouraged, e.g. me, with my function F9, I need to be granted
1) 8Cw-dignity like anybody, 2) a 1Pe-challenge like all
    F917 for my I-concepts 
3) a 3Pv-encouragement to
    remain S-relaxed in ful-
    filling my intrinsic
    function F9 as an
    "optimizing challenger"

8Cw 21.10.13/20 L2>1
OPEN for Authenticity


Imagine each human being to be challenged and supported to fulfill his or her intrinsic one function out of F1-9: In stead of the know OPTION I opinion driven institutional hierarchies, the following support and challenge system is required allowing Life- through Task-Fulfillment of the F1-9 LifeFulfilling Platform:

6Pe       8Pe       5Pe
3Pv8Pv5Pv 3Pv8Pv5Pv 3Pv8Pv5Pv
F4 F6 F2 F3 F8 F5 F9 F1 F7

6Pe 23.11.12/21 L1>1

for "producers"
8Pe 13.20.21/11 L3>5

for "dictators"
1Pe 02.01.00/03 §1>1

for "challengers"
Imagine the 3 lower pictures under all 3 upper ones,
as now under 8Pe


3Pv 11.13.10/12 G4>6

8Pv 20.13.10/21 G5>2

5Pv 21.12.13/22 §1>6



Example for a personally relevant application in a 8Cw-dignifying environment:

S-optimizing  I-challenges
As 9Pv, relaxed, with F9 an optimizing conceptual challenger, I fulfill the past that still has a lifefulfilling, desirable future with my 11.13.10/12 ideological think-tools towards the G5>6; ethical G5-life, qualified in dealing with

what is >6 very good about; its X-fulfillment in 9-fundamental Pp-Pro-cesses to be prepared fulfilling the tasks towards LifeFulfilling Platforms, with OPTION II beyond OPTION I. To do so I become effective in my 11-living space (h), in people's workshops, with my 13-propetic being (X), 10-to the conceptual (I) point of a relaxing (S) 12-reframing OPTION I with OPTION II before the former self-destructs...


