This is Awesome, still Ignored...
Dear {FIRSTNAME} - Politically
RIGHT structures of the
sellers depend
on you not understanding whom they serve, and
what serves you!
When you need support to install this Option II
for your
Imagine the world
to be promoted and controlled by right and left wing politics
with T-mono-political
aspirations: With that Option I,
each party keeps trying to be on top of the
zeitgeist as its trend speaker
at least for their target group. To be
successful the 42-right wing, in the name of 4-peace, has
to craft society into a
mass-attractive form.
That requires to treat what is beneath such a T-trap,
under-qualified people
preceding its culture, say needy ones and criminals, to be
equally treated as 2-bad, as those over-qualified ones who try to
transcend trap with Option II, in time, before the
pit of NO return, up to the Nazis with industrial genocide. The
left-wingers who find themselves pre-trans- traped on one of the two
pre/trans side, find that 3-unsatisfactory and so they in turn
treat the structure of
the right-wing by which they are outsourced, as so 1-very bad,
that they ultimately work, from their underprivileged
p-fallen back position
from outside at the destruction of such limits, up to throwing
out the baby with the bathwater such as Stalin's random terror and Mao's
permanent culture revolution. In short both sides are up for a C-clash, to keep their flock together; the right wing against real human beings, the left wing against such pre-trans-traps and its wardens. And in that self-destructive pat-situation, religion comes in to support people with an analysis of what IT considers God wants of them. So those religions which evoke some kind of a devil and the concept of sin, also come up with a CT-structure like the right wing, yet on a more spiritual level, and in trying to get somewhere in the world they appear, as Marxism pointed out, structured to "provide opium for the people" to be sucked as sheeple by the right wing. Thus the left sees religions as the fried of their enemy, thus as their enemy. And that completes the evil triangle united against everything with substance, real people and structures which work at least for the right wing, and against people as sinners. Adolf Hitler tried to control this evil triangle with his 42-national-31-socialist-CT-religious-ideologyy. And that is how the Option I world, now enclosed by the media demo-crazy in that evil-comforting triangle ends up every faster permanently self-destructive and YOU, with the prejudice that is most sucking you under Option I: Therefore the most urgent challenge facing society is living with people who differ, not just culturally, racially, ethnically, religiously, or economically, but in their essence! Tradition, religion and politics still encourages the tribe rather than the reality of the prevailing city life; and both are against our innate being in the name of the collective. And then, cooperation is reduced to just a mass-attractive craft; and that cannot work in itself as we all have experienced enough to have learnt! However, since under this Option I, people as conditioned merely as "social beings" very few learn and rather avoid engaging with people unlike their cult as a fig leaf to not having to related with their, under Option I undesirable personal essence. Nevertheless, the sustainable foundations for not just skillful but loving cooperation, lies not just in learning to listen well and discuss rather than debate, but in understanding each other, according to Corinthian II 13, as we are understood by our Creator. So far people have learnt to cooperate from off- to online, on street corners, in schools, at work, and in local politics; church is hardly not mentioned anymore. Instead the evolution of cooperative rituals from medieval times to today, and in situations as diverse as slave communities, socialist groups in Paris, and information workers at Wall Street are mentioned in bestsellers. Those merely address the nature of cooperation under Option I, why it has become weak, and how it could be strengthened as if that could work without Option II! Richard Sennet with "Together; The Rituals, Pleasures, and Politics" warns that we must learn the craft of cooperation if we are to make our complex society prosper; he reassures us that we can do this, for the capacity for cooperation is embedded in human nature. Beware, that approach is the same old wine in seemingly new skin! With it that kind of thinking that has lead to the problem, pretends once more to be the solution... |